Lessons Learned and Positive Vibrations

Living, learning, evolving and doing it all as positive as one possibly can…


Emotional Reactions and Interesting Points of View

Lots of things make me think. Events, situations, interactions, especially those that make me respond in a way that is different to the way I usually would.

There was a chain of events (sometimes it takes a chain for me to ask myself the questions needed to reflect). First there was a conversation with a friend. Then there was another conversation – this one I didn’t receive so well. Then there was the Weekly Photo Challenge theme – and it all came together (while having another conversation).

My photography. It’s something that’s incredibly precious to me. I see it as mine (this week’s photo challenge theme). It’s always been the way I express myself and the more I step into my photographer self, the more sensitive it is.

Throughout various conversations, whatever was being said hit a nerve. Good or bad, all interesting points of view created an emotional reaction.

It seems that I am incredibly guarded with this creative outlet I consider to be mine.

So… Where is the lesson in all of this?

Emotional reactions create unbalance. Balance is something I am working on acquiring. Detachment is needed here. I say detachment because the opinions of others are not things I need to live by. I do not need to hang on the every word of others. My art is my art and it is what it is. I do not need any validation.

If you take the good or bad, positive or negative connotations away from points of view, be it your point of view or that of others, then it is just an interesting point of view. Once it is an interesting point of view it is nothing more, nothing less. Herein lies the power of detachment.

If everything is an interesting point of view, I don’t need to have an emotional reaction which is really a waste of time and energy.

This is the lesson.

Stepping into your greatness requires a great deal of energy, time and focus. Emotional reactions take away from your energy. Points of view are just different ways of looking / perceiving / receiving something.

This is definitely something to remember, adding this to the other lessons and things to practice will make learning, growing and evolving that much easier.

Sending out a ripple of peace, love and light! Catch the ripple and pass it on!