Lessons Learned and Positive Vibrations

Living, learning, evolving and doing it all as positive as one possibly can…

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Removing Harmful Psychic Hooks Like A Chakra Ninja! by Melissa Di RainbowStar

Opening and Expanding






 (This part say in between each chakra cleanse as you fill your chakra up with its colour to heal the space left by the cord)
















If you want your energy to exert its full effect then you need to cleanse your chakra system on a regular basis by untangling these energy draining hooks. First loosen yourself into a calm and relaxed state and then shield yourself psychically. Now start looking at the chakras, one by one, and see if you can discover any hooks. With a little practice you will know they are there by sensing them.

If you wish to remove the energy draining hooks, imagine that you are gently unplugging them. After you have removed all the hooks, fill your chakras with light so they won’t be left empty. See the light, in your mind’s eye, filling the hollowness of each chakra.

If going through all the chakras at the same time is tiring, you can do the first few in one sitting and then concentrate on the remaining few later. You can either leave the chakras open, closed or in phases between the two states.

Simply visualizing them in the position you wish, open or closed, does this. After clearing the first three chakras of all hooks, it is a good idea to close the lower three chakras (you will feel more grounded that way) and leave the upper ones open in readiness to clear them later on.


The first main chakra is called the muladhara chakra and its name means ‘root’. It is found at the base of the spine, the bit you sit on. The paths of energy in this chakra extend downward like a root through the legs and feet to contact the solid earth below. Presence of hooks in this chakra may indicate a person is depending on you for their survival.

Svadhhisthana chakra, the second chakra situated in the abdominal area below the navel and is connected to inspiration and proliferation, controls the sensitive and physical sides of our existence. A hook blasted in to this chakra denotes the person is interested or sexually drawn towards you. You can remove this hook if you are not interested in the person.

Manipura, the third chakra, means ‘lustrous gem’ and is present in the solar plexus area and also includes the digestive system as well as the navel area. This chakra relates to strength, confidence and vivacity. It also houses the intellectual side of you and a hook fired in to this chakra infers that someone is eyeing your energy reserve and can drain you completely even to the extent of giving you an ache in the stomach.

The fourth chakra is called the anahata chakra (heart centre) and lies between the shoulder blades, slightly higher than the physical heart. This chakra represents higher emotions, such as love, tenderness, and compassion. Any hook discharged to this location could mean that someone loves and cares for you. Hooks here aren’t as draining as in other places, but you may want to remove them so that your own energy is clear.

The fifth chakra, the vishuddha chakra, is present in the throat area and, not surprisingly, is for communication. A hook to be found in this chakra indicates that someone wants to communicate something to you, but this may cause a sore throat so it is better to do the communication directly in a verbal manner.

The sixth chakra is called the ajna chakra – located directly in ones brow, between the eyebrows on the forehead. This centre is commonly called the brow chakra or even more commonly the ‘third eye’ chakra. As the third eye opens, one is able to access their intuition at a much higher level. Any hooks found here indicate that someone is thinking strongly of you, perhaps wondering what you think of them. Hooks here could cause headaches.

The final main chakra is the sahasrara chakra, the seventh chakra. This chakra connects us to the divine. It has been called the ‘thousand petaled lotus’ by many. The seventh centre is located at the top of the head, where the soft spot is located on a baby. It is from this centre that we are connected to our souls, and all souls, through the rainbow bridge. Hooks here could mean that someone is trying to control you and you should get rid of them.


1. Sound healing starts with the deepest sound you can make, UH. This is to be done with eyes closed and attention concentrated on the base chakra of your spinal base. With this sound, you have to note the sound resonance in the body in the chakra, and not from your throat. This chakra sound can be visualized with red color and should be said for a minute or two.

2. The next chakra sound has to come from the second chakra found three inches below the naval. You have to chant OOO while complimenting the chakra sound with orange. You have to chant with eyes closed to experience the balancing of the chakra with other chakras for one or two minutes.

3. The third chakra sound “OH has to come from the navel chakra, found at the navel area. The color for complimenting visualization here is yellow. This chakra sound has to start very softly and gently, but higher than the last sound.

4. AH is the sound people cry out when in love, and is also the chakra sound for the heart chakra. This chakra is located in the middle of the chest, and is related to love. It is associated with the color green and has to be started with a soft and gentle sound that has a higher pitch than the previous chakra sound.

5. EYE is the chakra sound for the throat chakra that can be complimented with blue. This chakra sound too has to be higher in pitch than the previous sounds.

6. In between the forehead and slightly above the two eyes is the chakra sound belonging to the third eye. This chakra sound is AYE and is complimented with indigo color. This chakra sound starts with a soft and gentle tone which is however of a higher pitch than the previous sounds.

7. The crown chakra, found at the top of the head, demands the highest sound you can make. This chakra sound is EEE and is complemented with purple and starts by making the highest EEE sound possible. Like other chakra sounds, this chakra sound also starts soft and gentle.

All the chakra sounds have to be said with eyes closed and attention focused on the respective chakras. With the focus on the chakra, the chakra sound starts projecting from the chakra and with the resonance of the sound chakras, you find each chakra balancing and aligning with the other chakras.


To open the base or root chakra of the Muladhar which stands for group identity, perform the mudra of joining the tips of your thumb and index finger and chant the Sanskrit word ‘LAM’. Remember that the pronunciation of ‘A’ should be ‘Ah’ and sound the ending ‘M’ with ‘Mng’ or a slightly vibrating sound. Think about the location of the chakra between your genitals and anus visualizing its red lotus with four petals symbol.

An orange lotus with six petals is the Swadhisthana Chakra located in the sacrum. Opening this chakra calls for sitting and placing both your hands on your lap palms up. Remember to put the right hand on top of the left with the tips of the thumbs touching. Slowly breath in, concentrate on the sacral region and chant the sound ‘VAM’.

The Soar Plexus or the Manipura chakra is symbolized by a yellow lotus with ten petals. To open this chakra for improving personal power, bring both your hands in front of your stomach, just below your solar plexus joining the tips of each of your fingers excepting the thumb and then cross the thumbs over one another. Remember to keep your fingers straight which are pointing away from you and then chant the sound ‘RAM’.

The fourth and the central Anahata Chakra is symbolized by a green lotus with 12 petals and is said to be the central power house of the chakra system. To open the Anahata Chakra, start by sitting cross-legged and then place your left hand on your left knee. Now with your right hand, join the tips of your thumb and index finger, and place it on your chest, at the lower part of your breast bone pointing inwards. Concentrate on the heart chakra and its symbol and chant the sound ‘YAM’.

To open the blue lotus with 16 petals of the Vishuddha or the throat chakra, join the tips of your thumbs and cross your fingers on the inside of your hands. Concentrate on the throat chakra resonating at the base of your throat and chant the sound ‘HAM’.

The Ajna Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is known as the Third Eye Chakra symbolized with an indigo lotus with two petals. Opening this chakra is all about advancing on the spiritual path through advanced meditation. Bring both your hands in front at a level just below the breast bone. Now, join the tips of both of your middle fingers pointing them upwards while bending all other fingers inside, the phalanges of your index fingers touching each other. Now join the tips of your thumbs as well and point them downwards. After the mudra is achieved, chant the most powerful word in the universe of ‘AUM’ or ‘OM’.

Lastly, to open the Sahasrara Chakra, which is a violet Lotus with a thousand petals of the ultimate spiritual enlightenment, bring your hands in front of your stomach and join your hands crossing all fingers with the left thumb below the right. Now, lift both the ring fingers and let them join at the tips pointing upwards. Remember that one needs to have very strong base chakra before trying to open this one. Concentrate on the chakra at the crown of your head and chant the sound of creation ‘NG’ and let it vibrate and resonate all across your chakra system and being.

Remember to bring all this information together when in the meditation. It helps if you record yourself saying the things first and then listen to it with your eyes closed



Big Bangs and Brain Explosions

Almost every single individual I know right now is going through a trial of some sort. Be it financial woes, relationship turbulence,  work related strife or anything else – everyone is going through something.

It’s been a year for that hasn’t it? Think back over the past 12 months, go through the major and not so major events…

I know I’ve experienced death, revelations – both in myself and the family, being confronted with all that I would have preferred to hide from – all that makes me uncomfortable, coming face to face with my deepest issues. With all that came opportunities. Opportunities to step into my authentic self, opportunities to choose, opportunities to grow in ways I never knew possible.

It feels like this is a time to step up and choose. The recurring theme through all of this is the opportunity to make a choice, the opportunity to become more aware. All of these experiences force us to be exposed to the uncomfortable, the raw – they force us to choose: Step up or step aside.

Throughout all of this there is opportunity. Opportunity to peel off layers of you that don’t work for you any more, all that isn’t authentically you, all that doesn’t allow you to be you. Opportunity to see, perceive and gain awareness.

It feels like this is a time to fight. Not in a violent sense, but it is time to be fierce with your choices and going forward with all that you have. Proving that you’re strong enough, fierce enough for the next year and the years to come. Proving that you want it badly enough.

So here’s a question: What are you choosing? In whatever situation you’re in, what is it that you’re choosing? And is what you’re choosing in line with what is authentically you (keep in mind that what was authentically you might not be you in the here and now)?

What more could you receive from the opportunities presented to you? And most importantly, how badly do you want it?

What else is possible?

Food for thought.

Love and light.

May you find your way through this transitional time with ease.

C. xx



Damn Those Coping Mechanisms!

Greetings beautiful ones!

A friend of mine contacted me this week and said that her head was in total chaos. It had been a week of debauchery since the break-up from her significant other. Her situation reminded me of my own separations, it also reminded me of a time when I began to choose to process the situation differently. A few break-ups ago I discovered something. Coping mechanisms prolong the process.

After having a god-awful break-up. Correction, the break-up wasn’t too bad at all, it was the prelude to the break-up that was far more messy than it needed to be (in hindsight of course). Rather than go drinking, smoke copious amounts of dope or go on a rebound rampage I would allow myself to grieve for the loss of the (albeit toxic) relationship. Instead of distracting myself using coping mechanisms, I just allowed myself to be in whatever it was that I was feeling, be it sadness, anger, gratitude or love.

The second part of the process for me was to do things that nurtured me. Things that fed my soul in some way. I found myself by the water a lot. I took a lot of walks, took up yoga on a daily basis as well as having baths instead of showers (makes a huge difference, I kid you not!). I started writing again, even started working again (I couldn’t find work while my ex and I were in the final stages of our relationship – a blessing now I look back on it). Have you ever noticed that when you clear things out of your life, you make room for new, bigger, better things? Point being that all the things I was doing after our separation were feeding, nurturing and healing me. All of these were things I’d stopped doing.

The lessons I discovered through this process (which have also saved me from having prolonged, soul crushing, gut wrenching, unnecessarily toxic break-ups since) were;

First and foremost listen to yourself. When your body/ spirit/ intuition tells you to leave, leave. Sticking it out forces the universe to deliver bigger signs. Sometimes that makes the situation even more chaotic or messy. Back to basics, listen to yourself and honour what you already know.

Coping mechanisms are what we have picked up along the way that enable us to cope. There’s nothing wrong with having them. Acknowledging that they are coping mechanisms is a healthy way to go about them because that means you have awareness, again, there is nothing wrong with having them. However, spending your time doing things with the intention of healing, feeding or nurturing yourself can be more beneficial than using coping mechanisms. Coping mechanisms are designed to help you cope and not address the truth of the situation, therefore they don’t help you to move forward. Actively healing yourself does help you in moving towards your greater self.

Being in the moment with whatever it is that you’re feeling is being honest with it. It’s facing the truth of it all and once you’ve done that, those feelings don’t need to come back. If you’re feeling them, they’re coming up because they need to be dealt with. Being honest with them and feeling them in a space of no judgment for as long as you need to (could be an hour, could be a day, could be longer) allows you to process them and let them go. This is something that you could use in a lot of situations beyond break ups.

Asking yourself if what you are feeling or thinking is yours to begin with. If they are not yours, you can return them and that will save you tons of time and energy in processing them.

What are some of the things that have helped you in times like this? I would love to hear them! You can reach me at beyoubemagical@gmail.com. Sharing is caring!

What if we could go through the process of letting go and moving forward into our greater selves could with ease and without suffering?

Love, light, joy and ease!

C. xxx


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“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.” – Rachel Naomi Remen

Wouldn’t life be a little lighter, a little brighter and a little easier without expectations, beliefs and standards to live up to? Life gets lighter still with healing… Here’s to lighter, brighter lives!


Letting go and moving forward…

It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted here on Lessons Learned and it’s been nothing short of mind-blowing!

Since arriving back in Canada a month ago I’ve learnt a lesson pretty much every day. From healing personal issues right the way down to deciding to take my business into my own hands. I must say it’s been one of the busiest months ever! Let me start at the beginning.
They say you can’t run from your demons and I believe that to be true. I wouldn’t have said that trotting around the globe, following my dreams of travel and pushing my photographic passion was running away from anything until I came back and was knocked sideways by all of the feelings I left when I departed 3 years ago. I only saw that it was running when I returned and immediately wanted to flee again. Upon this huge realisation I decided to face it all and stay for as long as I needed to.
It is certainly not easy to face your inner darkness but in order to let go and move forward with balance and peace, it’s one of, if not the most important thing you can do for yourself. I’m not finished either. The more stones you turn over, the more stones you find underneath. But I will say one thing; with practice, it definitely becomes easier.
There are a few things that have helped me through this process: Exercise, especially exercising in nature, yoga, eating nourishing foods, focusing on my goals, surrounding myself with open minded people who love me, being around people I laugh with, and energy work. Lots and lots of energy work. Also, not forgetting quite a bit of quiet time, most importantly being honest with myself and allowing myself to be vulnerable and open to the process of healing. This sounds like a lot but it’s not, it just takes practice, dedication and awareness.
As the past month has gone by I’ve found myself being more balanced and having a sense of peace. Knowing that I am capable of doing whatever my mind can dream up and that the possibilities are endless.
I have a few projects underway now. My photography first and foremost. I am determined to make the most of my travels and all of the film negatives I came back with! That project has grown from a photography exhibition (which is in the works and coming soon) to starting my own business and exploring how I can work with youth and help them to learn about photography and explore their creativity.
I’m also learning how to use social networking sites to help me to promote myself and my business which is new territory for me since I’ve been resisting that for the longest time.
Since doing lots of energy work, from meditation, yoga, to Access Consciousness, I’ve taken a great interest in healing and I’m looking into where I can help others. Once given a gift I feel that it must be paid forward.
I am constantly learning, growing and reaching higher and higher. Always asking myself ‘what else is possible?’ and ‘can it get any better than this?!’. The most beautiful thing about it is the more I open myself up, the more wonderful opportunities present themselves to me.
This is truly an amazingly awesome time of change.
I want to end this post with a question to you. What else is possible?
Sending you all love and light.